Set Desired Frameworks
Define your organization's compliance goals.
Your answers to the desired compliance framework quiz do not directly impact your Exos experience. However, answering will help the Exos team develop a better experience for you as we monitor for emerging trends.
Don't know what this alphabet soup means?
Don't sweat it. It's a lot of acronyms and initialisms to take in at once. You can change your answers at any time! Though if you are feeling up to it, check out our glossary and resources for more information about specific frameworks.
Selecting your answers
Before you enter your workspace, you will be prompted to select your desired compliance frameworks. Your selections do not have any impact on your organization's account, but they may impact the Exos application in the future.
If what you're looking for is not listed, you can enter in a free form response using the Other
Changing your answers
If you recently learnt about a new framework, or are considering a new region that may align with your business goals, you can easily change your desired compliance framework answers. This can be done from the Organization
section within Organization Settings
Updated almost 2 years ago